
Fundraising And Bank Runs: A Guide for Businesses

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  • Jake
  • January 8th, 2024

For the Entrepreneur in Residence at a Startup Incubator, navigating the financial landscape is a critical skill. The ability to secure funding is your lifeblood, ensuring that innovative ideas have the financial backing to grow and thrive. This guide is tailor-made for you, offering practical strategies to prepare for fundraising and manage the risks of a bank run, ensuring your startup's resilience in turbulent times.

A bank run occurs when a large number of customers withdraw their deposits simultaneously, fearing that the financial institution may become insolvent. While this phenomenon might seem like a relic of the past, it remains a real risk that can destabilize banks and the broader economy.

Understanding Bank Runs and Their Impact on Businesses

A bank run can begin with a whisper of doubt that cascades into a wave of panic. As more customers demand their cash, the bank's reserves may dwindle, leading to a liquidity crisis or the bank running out of cash. For businesses, particularly startups, this can spell disaster, disrupting operations and access to capital.

The implications of bank runs extend far beyond the immediate liquidity issues. They can significantly undermine investor confidence, affecting both depositors and investors. This loss of confidence can make it challenging for businesses to raise the funds they need to continue their operations or to scale.

A recent example of such a scenario is the case of Silicon Valley Bank, whose focus on the startup sector was a double-edged sword. The bank's lack of diversification amplified its risk, ultimately contributing to its downfall. This serves as a cautionary tale for businesses to not put all their financial eggs in one basket.

Preparing for a Bank Run: Strategic Fundraising

Preparation is key to surviving a financial crisis. Effective management of liquidity risk includes maintaining a portfolio of liquid assets, rigorous cash flow forecasting, and diversifying funding sources. This foundation can help your startup remain agile and resilient, even when the financial tides turn.

In line with Principle 6 of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision's guidelines, a bank—and by extension, a business—should actively monitor and control liquidity risk exposures and funding needs within and across legal entities, business lines, and jurisdictions. This foresight and risk management are pivotal to maintaining a secure financial standing.

Table: Diversification Strategies for Funding Sources

Funding Source Pros Cons Recommended Diversification Ratio
Venture Capital High potential reward Dilution of ownership 40%
Angel Investors More personal relationships Potentially limited funds 20%
Bank Loans Lower cost of capital Subject to credit crunch 25%
Crowdfunding Broadens investor base Uncertain funding levels 15%

This table illustrates a strategic approach to diversifying your funding sources, which is essential in the face of a bank run.

Fundraising Tactics During a Credit Crunch

When the credit markets tighten, and banks significantly tighten their lending standards, loans become tougher to get. Startups must then pivot their fundraising tactics, seeking alternative sources of capital or adjusting terms to attract investment.

Adjusting your fundraising strategy might involve focusing more on equity rather than debt financing, or seeking out alternative lenders who might be more willing to invest during a credit crunch. It's also a time to polish your pitch and value proposition, ensuring that potential investors understand the unique opportunity your startup presents, despite the broader economic uncertainty.

Bullet Points: Tips for Effective Communication with Potential Investors During a Credit Crunch

  • Emphasize your startup's adaptability and resilience
  • Highlight previous successes and growth metrics
  • Demonstrate a clear plan for the use of funds
  • Be transparent about risks and your strategies to mitigate them

By emphasizing these points, you can help maintain investor confidence and secure the necessary capital to propel your business forward, even when traditional funding avenues are constricted.

Managing Risk: A Framework for Entrepreneurs

As an entrepreneur, managing risk is a day-to-day challenge. Building a robust framework for risk management is essential for fundraising during uncertain financial periods. This includes maintaining a portfolio of liquid assets to ensure you have cash on hand when needed and implementing rigorous cash flow forecasting to anticipate future financial needs.

Moreover, diversifying your funding sources can minimize risk, as demonstrated by the case of Silicon Valley Bank. Their heavy focus on the startup sector increased their exposure to risk, underscoring the importance of not relying heavily on any single funding source or financial institution.

In light of smaller banks facing greater scrutiny and potential increases in capital requirements, it is also prudent for startups to consider the stability and regulatory environment of their banking partners. This consideration can be crucial in ensuring access to funds during challenging times. Continuing with the strategic approach to risk management, it's important to acknowledge that regulatory considerations can play a significant role in the stability of your financial partners. After a bank failure, smaller-sized banks are likely to face greater scrutiny from regulators as well as higher capital requirements. These changes can impact the availability and terms of business loans, making it even more critical for startups to diversify their funding sources and maintain strong banking relationships.

Steps to Mitigate the Effects of a Bank Run

The potential for bank runs has long captured the attention of economists and financial experts, leading to a wealth of research on preventing and mitigating their effects. Understanding the causes of bank runs is the first step in developing strategies to protect your business.

One key element in weathering a bank run is maintaining strong relationships with both borrowers and lenders. These relationships can provide a buffer during financial disruptions, as trust and a history of reliable interactions can lead to more favorable terms or extended credit lines. Furthermore, the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis outlines the importance of understanding interest rate risk and how it can lead to bank runs. By managing this risk, startups can better prepare for potential increases in borrowing costs or changes in the availability of credit.

In addition to these measures, creating an emergency plan for liquidity crises is essential. This plan should include:

  • A detailed list of alternative funding sources that can be tapped quickly
  • A communications strategy to reassure stakeholders and maintain confidence
  • A contingency budget that prioritizes essential operations and expenditures

By having these plans in place, you can ensure that your startup remains operational and continues to pursue growth opportunities, even when faced with financial headwinds.


Fundraising in the shadow of a bank run presents unique challenges, but with thoughtful preparation and strategic planning, it is possible to navigate these turbulent waters. By understanding the dynamics of bank runs and their impact on the financial landscape, diversifying your funding sources, and maintaining a proactive approach to risk management, your startup can position itself to not only survive but thrive.

Remember, as an Entrepreneur in Residence at a Startup Incubator, you're not just steering your own venture—you're setting an example for the startups that look to you for guidance. Your ability to strategically navigate fundraising during a bank run will serve as a valuable lesson for the entrepreneurs who will follow in your footsteps.


Relevant Table: Historical Bank Run Incidents and Their Outcomes

Incident Year Outcome
Northern Rock, UK 2007 Nationalization after failed private sale
Washington Mutual, USA 2008 Seizure by regulators and sale to JPMorgan Chase
Silicon Valley Bank, USA 2023 Closure and FDIC receivership

Additional Resources for Entrepreneurs and Startups

By leveraging these resources and applying the insights shared in this guide, you'll be well-prepared to face the challenges of fundraising during a bank run and beyond.

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