William Bierbower

William Bierbower is Chief Counsel of the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E). ARPA-E, modeled after the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), supports industry/academia/government research seeking breakthrough energy technologies. Mr. Bierbower acts as principal legal advisor to ARPA-E leadership. He leads the ARPA-E legal team addressing all legal and policy issues affecting ARPA-E’s rapidly expanding initiatives.

Before joining ARPA-E, Mr. Bierbower was Chief Counsel at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, NASA’s space propulsion research and development facility in Huntsville, Alabama. He served previously in other NASA positions including Lead Counsel for NASA’s Directorates for Exploration Systems and Science Missions at NASA Headquarters in Washington, D.C.

In addition to his NASA service, Mr. Bierbower served as CEO (and remains a Trustee) of a the Alexander and Margaret Stewart Trust, a charitable foundation in Washington, D.C., focusing on cancer research and treatment of pediatric afflictions.

Mr. Bierbower has served as Chairman of the Research and Development Committee of the American Bar Association’s Section on Government Contract Law. He has written articles in the field of industry-government-academia research and development agreements, including “other transactions” and CRADA’s.