Nakul Gupta

I’ve always loved science, technology, and engineering. As a kid, I was obsessed with building legos, drawing diagrams, and watch science documentaries on TV. A career in engineering was always in the cards for me.

In college, I gained hands-on rocketry experience as propulsion engineer & flight simulation engineer for the UCLA Rocket Project, designing and testing bi-propellant engines. Our team was one of the first collegiate schools to successfully launch a bi-propellant liquid rocket. This experience led me to joining the selective Matthew Isakowitz Fellowship, which is designed for aspiring space professionals, along side software engineering internships at NASA JPL and ABL Space Systems.

After earning a BS in Physics from UCLA, I received an MS in Computer Science from USC, where I focused on machine learning, web application development, robotics, and cyber-physical systems. I am currently a Software Engineer at Aiva Health, developing distrbuted backend systems and APIs.

I come with a unique blend of physics and programming skills. I'm experienced in languages like Python and Golang plus technologies like Kubernetes, Docker, and Terraform. I'm eager to leverage my software perspective alongside my physics expertise to tackle engineering challenges in guidance & control, flight software, mission planning, & simulation in the commercial spaceflight sector.