James Voak

A trusted adviser in the sales and investment industry. Over several years of experience building and managing companies from startup to exit, investing at every level across multiple sectors with a focus on sustainable development of people and places. A firm believer in the transformative power of technology and the value it will bring our society. Despite the technological revolution, there are fundamentals that endure "Custom Solutions and Lasting Performance."

The best way to predict your future is to create it" - Abraham Lincoln

► Certified Value Growth Advisor (CVGA)|

Offers value-driven solutions that help you define your path, build and protect your most valuable asset, your business.

My expertise includes but is not limited to:
The Value Opportunity Profile® (“VOP®”) is a customized process designed to help companies better understand their relative strengths and weaknesses, which weaknesses are constraining growth and profitability, and what impact they could make on the overall value of the company by eliminating the weaknesses in a methodical manner.

I am on LinkedIn to strengthen existing business relationships and foster new ones. Kindly reach me via my InMail or email to start a conversation.